Thursday, October 20, 2011

Giving Aid to foreign countries

Giving Aid to foreign countries: Ron Paul says giving our taxpayers money to other countries is not in our best interests as Americans. He calls this process taking money from poor people in America, and giving it to rich people in other countries. He says a lot of the money we give to other countries either ends up being taken by greedy governments for their own use, taken by corrupt officials, used for weapons that are turned around and used on us or our allies, or other countries. Ron Paul says we should stop giving countries free foreign aid, and this include Israel. He hold no bias towards them, or any country. 

Pros: Save lots of money, stop other countries from being dependent on our generosity, lets countries solve their own problems. 

Cons: Other countries might not like us if we stop giving them money, or they may not be as able to defend themselves.

My POV: Get the kid off the teet cause mama's out of milk. We are broke, and we can't keep charging the credit card so other countries will do better, while our own country is falling apart.


  1. I agree, but what can we do about it?

  2. I agree with that. We need to give aid to other country's. It builds partnerships.

  3. It may build partnership, but America is already hated by a lot of people because we're always in other countrie's business. I believe we need to stop giving aid for the time being.
