Friday, October 14, 2011

I'm all for the protests, but some protesters are doing more harm then good to the cause

now come on! why do these protesters have to act like children and tip over trash cans, throw bottles and dump a police scooter on its side? are they protesting the trash needed to be empty? are they protesting the amount they get for recycling the bottle? are they protesting the police scooter wasn't American made?

seems more like most of them are protesting nothing at all. they are there to cause controversy and being a public nuisance. take for instance the fat people in the background. are they something and employer would be interested in hiring? i think not. how about that cameraman trying to get a piece of the action like a blood hungry wolf.

story so you cant say it was for nothing:

you people that are protesting are nothing short of being childish criminals. why don't you egg the house of the mayor of NY? why don't you toilet paper the whole downtown? you really need to grow up. act like adults because employers aren't interested in your little child games and antics.

If you continue to act like this, you are going to discredit a nationwide movement...we know the media would be happy to show every negative aspect possible


  1. I agree wholly. Some of them are just protesting for the sake of protesting it seems

  2. Protesting can achieve some things, but this..
